Never while anything is left of me shall this camp be forgotten. It has fairly grown into me, not merely as memory pictures, but as part and parcel of mind and body alike. -John Muir

Thursday, May 26, 2011

well hello there.

It's so hot here today. Actually just now the sky broke and let large bits of hail fall from the sky. It was so loud and there was so much of it that I yelled as loud as I could but couldn't even hear myself!! Maybe the brief storm will cool it down a little.

It was 81 degrees in this camper hot. I have been trying my hardest to get chores and the likes done but have to take breaks in between so I don't over-heat! I decided to take a walk through the creek and wandered up on this little fawn resting in a patch of grass and rocks. I actually climbed back up the hillside through the weeds to get my camera.

I wondered if she were hurt. I got all the way up to where I was almost able to reach out and touch her until she jumped up and ran off as fast as her little uncoordinated legs would allow.

A magic moment indeed.

As for our little owl friends...there just so happens to be 5 babies and they have all learned to fly. They seem to have taken over the hillside along the creek now. They have become the illusive beings that they are...we have only seen the momma hunting since Tuesday night.

until later.
xo Stephanie


Irina said...

oh... so cute! we have deers here too, the closest I've seen one was from my car, only 3 metres away... they're so lovely!

Unknown said...

Oh I love the first picture! Look at those spots...she is adorable!! I bet she was just waiting while her momma was eating somewhere else. Growing up, we grew alfalfa and would see a lot of fawns and does in the fields =)

Desiree said...

Oh gosh, I have such a soft spot for Fawn, of course ;)